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The Mousetrap - Review.

Agatha Christie's murder mystery going strong in its 67th year.
The cast of The Mousetrap. Photo by Johan Persson.
It's hard to comprehend that Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap has been running at London's St Martins Theatre for 67 years. Having finally caught the production yesterday it's not hard to see why it's been a success and why it continues to get packed out audiences 9 shows a week.

Christie's a genius in terms of crafting together the perfect murder mystery and this has to be one of her finest. Set at Monkswell Manor where Giles and Mollie Ralston are set to greet their first guests to their new guest house. On a snowy day, the guests arrive and soon one of them is murdered. Can the crime be solved but the murderer picks their next victim.

The play is tense and gripping and whilst I will rightly keep all secrets and spoilers to myself I found myself on the edge of my seat during the exciting final sequences.

Under Ian Talbot's direction, this current company are excellent. Dan Burton oozes class as Giles Ralston, he shifts between charm and shifty very well. Haley Flaherty brings real warmth and likeability to Mollie Ralston. She interacts superbly with the other actors and pitches the character perfectly.

Sam Heron is a hugely likeable presence as the slightly madcap Christopher Wren. Paul Ridley brings a strong trusting presence to his Major Metcalf. Lynette Edwards brings the right amount of snooty quality to Mrs Boyle. Mary Galloway gives great watchable quality to Miss Casewell. Sean Patterson brings a touch of humour to proceedings as Mr Paravicini, he is superb throughout. Alan Magor's Detective Sgt. Trotter drives the play forwards and he has a great stage presence.

The set and lighting design, originally by Roger Furse and redesigned by Anthony Holland for the St Martin's Theatre, is brilliant. The look and feel that we're in the Manor. The use of the various entrance and exit points of the set really adds to the suspense as it builds.

The cast of The Mousetrap. Photo by Johan Persson.
The whole production is slick, tense and moves at a great pace towards a gripping finale. Although smugly I cracked it at the interval make sure after you visit to keep the secrets and let's hope the trap is never shut on this fine production.

Rating: ★★★★

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