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Owen Clayton - No Limits Interview

No Limits is a new song cycle written by Sam Thomas and is currently playing at London's Turbine Theatre opening to positive reviews

Produced by Paper House Productions the show shatters the notion of falling behind in life - because there's really no such thing. It depicts the anxieties, faith, fight and love that we can all experience.

The show is directed by Dean Thomas with musical direction by Ella Ingram. Running at The Turbine Theatre until Sunday 26th February it stars Natalie May Paris as #Dreamer, Owen Clayton as #Romantic, Michael Mather as #Fighter, Hannah Lowther as #Catfish, Mary Moore as #Funemployed and Saffie Needham as #Swing. 

Owen Clayton in No Limits. Photo by Danny Kaan

I sat down with Owen Clayton to talk about the show.

Can you please tell me please me a little about the show and your role within it?
The show is a song cycle that generally peeks into people’s lives as they are at a boiling point and making a big decision! I play the character of Romantic, so the people I play generally are facing some kind of situation in their love life and trying to navigate everything in that department! 

What attracted you to be part of the show?
I LOVE new writing and opportunities to tell stories where people can feel represented. I also love work that I can fully enthuse my whole self into and have big creative license to stretch the material into something that’s fun and organic!

How has it been creating a new show and new characters?
With any new material it’s a real process, but with that comes so much freedom and fun in exploration. The cast and creatives are soooo wonderful and they’ve created the perfect environment to explore, be creative and silly and have fun! 

What has been your favourite part of the creative process on No Limits so far?
The people I think! We’re so fortunate to have so many creatives with so much talent that are also sooo lovely to work with.

What do you want people to take away from seeing No Limits?
You’re exactly where you’re meant to be! You’re not the only one going through it and we’re each on our own journey!

The cast of No Limits. Photo by Danny Kaan.

What does theatre and performing mean to you?
Wow! Big question! It’s first and foremost a passion, that has transcended to a profession. It’s a blessing and such a privilege to tell people’s story and a platform to put more love out into the world! 

Why should anyone who hasn't booked come and see No Limits?
The talent on and off stage! The vocals! The laughs, the tears! Supporting new writing, new theatres and queer voices!

No Limits plays at London's Turbine Theatre until Sunday 26th February with tickets available from the Turbine website.

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