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NHS Gala Looking For Singers

Adam Blanshay Productions has partnered with NHS Charities Together to launch the search for NHS stars to be celebrated at the 2023 NHS Gala commemorating the 75th anniversary of the NHS this autumn.

Members of the public can nominate themselves or any inspiring NHS workers, volunteers or patients they know to be an NHS Star through an online form or video submission.

Adam Blanshay Productions and NHS Charities Together will select several NHS Stars from the nominees later in the year. The NHS Stars will be the inspiration for new songs written about them and their heroic work in the NHS for a new song cycle, Newfound Hope Songs, which has been commissioned specially and will be performed at an epic West End concert gala in the autumn.

Do you know a superstar doctor or nurse, courageous patient, outstanding ambulance worker, health support worker or psychologist? Maybe you’re an exceptional occupational therapist, know a brilliant pharmacist or have a friend who is an amazing paediatrician? Head to the easy- to-use online form to submit a nomination and help us find our NHS Stars.

Ellie Orton OBE, Chief Executive at NHS Charities Together comments, “We are so looking forward to this event, which will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the incredible people of the NHS in its 75th anniversary year. The NHS is one of the biggest employers in Europe and everyone has a story to tell about their fantastic friend, neighbour or family member who goes above and beyond to help care for our nation’s health. These people all deserve recognition, and we’re excited to tell their stories in a way that’s never been done before.”

To submit a submission visit

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