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Charlie Whitworth -The Geneva Convention of Human F**ks Interview

Yet To Be is set to embark on an exhilarating theatre tour with their ground-breaking show, 'The Geneva Convention of Human F**ks.' Performed exclusively by women, this bold and uncompromising production takes audiences on a wild journey as three men embark on a sex tour across Europe, delving into the ethics of their actions and confronting various societal issues head-on. Brace yourselves for an unforgettable experience that will challenge your perceptions and make you consider whether you should laugh or cry.

The show serves as a captivating exploration of toxic masculinity, sex tourism, and the enduring bonds of friendship between three men. Yet To Be takes pride in their mission to create original, punchy, and entertaining works that resonate with diverse audiences.

Written and directed by company co-founder Charlie Whitworth, 'The Geneva Convention of Human F**ks' introduces us to Michael, Liam, and Peter, three men on their latest sex tour of Europe. Set just before the outbreak of COVID-19, this unapologetic production dives headfirst into a world of brothels, prostitutes, and other obscure sexual encounters. As the trio navigates ethical dilemmas surrounding prostitution, the #metoo movement, sex trafficking, and even global warming, audiences are in for a thought-provoking and cringe inducing ride.

Ahead of the production playing on tour I spoke with writer and director Charlie Whitworth to discuss the show further.

What inspired the creation of the piece?

A lot of things really! The script has been developed off and on since 2008. But the influences for it were the people I knew growing up on my estate, stories I saw in the news, visiting Amsterdam as a young 21 year old... they all got me thinking about sex tourism and how I actually felt about it. And then the research began. 

What kind of an audience did you have in mind when developing the show?

People who want to have their viewpoints challenged. The show is asking questions about sex tourism, toxic masculinity, #metoo... the show is developed for people who want to be challenged about how they think about issues like this. 

A female ensemble plays the three men in the show, what do you think this adds to the themes of the show?

Simply, I'd never let this play be performed by male actors. You follow in the play three men, Peter, Liam and Michael. Without women performing these roles, you aren't asking the questions around toxic masculinity, chauvinism etc that I want the play to challenge people about. There is no female voice or female lens to consider the play through if the male characters are performed by men. I think it is important that it is women performing these characters. Otherwise the show could be seen simply as having chauvinism on stage... and that isn't the intention.  

How do you think movements like #MeToo have changed things for women?

Good question. I am not sure if enough time has passed to see if #metoo has had any lasting impact or not yet. I do think society is changing but that doesn't mean that what I would consider progress is happening either. It will be easier to answer that question in ten or so years' time. 

What do you want an audience member to take away from seeing the show?

I want the audience to be challenged. I want them to think about how they feel about those three characters and how they feel about the themes in the play. I want them to feel something. 

Can you describe the show in 3 words?

Thought-provoking, darkly-funny or groan-inducing ... sorry, I've totally cheated by using hyphens. 

The Geneva Convention of Human F**ks plays at The Other Palace in London (3rd September), Phoenix in Exeter (14th September), The Brewhouse in Taunton (22nd September), Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol (26th and 27th September) and The Theatre Shop in Clevedon (14th October). For more information visit

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