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Dee Sadler - The Hound of the Baskervilles UK Tour Interview

After delighting audiences up and down the country in 2022, Crime And Comedy Theatre Company are reuniting Doctor Who stars Colin Baker (Doctor Who, BBC; The Brothers, BBC) and Terry Molloy (The Archers, BBC Radio 4; Doctor Who, BBC) once more in their new stage adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s world-famous tale The Hound of the Baskervilles. Treading the boards in spring 2024, audiences are invited to this radio-play-on-stage, to be transported to the mysterious moors in this classic detective tale.

Once facing each other as mortal enemies as the Doctor and Davros in Doctor Who, Baker and Molloy, who is best known for playing the infamous Mike Tucker in The Archers for over 40 years, return as the iconic dynamic duo of Holmes and Watson respectively. Joined once again by Dee Sadler (No Place Like Home, BBC; All Creatures Great and Small, BBC) as Doctor Mortimer, this production brings to life one of the greatest detective mysteries ever told.

Ahead of the tour we caught up with Dee Sadler to discuss the piece in more details. 

You’re returning to the piece having appeared in the show in 2022, what attracted you back to returning?
It was such a blast, that first tour, working with a bunch of committed, anarchic, devilish actors on such a classic piece. Every day and every venue was a complete adventure.
You’re working alongside Colin Baker and Terry Molloy once more, how much fun was it working with them on the show previously?
Working with Colin and Terry (who are perfect casting as Holmes and Watson) is a masterclass, every performance, in itself. They are bang on the money and know how to have fun.
The show is staged as a radio play with sound effects created as you perform, how did you approach playing it in this way?
You read the play many times and become very familiar with it and work on the various characters you're playing, voices and accents....and you concentrate really hard and take direction. That, really.....
Terry Molloy and Dee Sadler. Photo by Lisa Bowerman.

hat is the biggest challenge of playing it as a radio play but on stage?
It was the first time I'd ever performed a play in this way but it's a pretty straightforward process and a great visual for the audience, watching the sound effects being executed onstage. 
Do you return to Conan Doyle’s original text when preparing for the run?
No I didn't refer to the text, but I did watch various movies, there are loads out there. However, I personally think that Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce in the 1939 version, comes out tops. Saying that, I absolutely loved Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, too, in said roles.
Why do you think this story in particularly keeps on delighting audiences?
Because it's dark and atmospheric and essentially scary. We all love to be scared a little, or a lot in some cases. Plus it's a corking good plot.
What keeps you inspired as a creative?
The need to keep telling stories in whatever medium and totally engaging with an audience. Holding a mirror up to the human condition, it's what actors do. I love being told stories,I think it's a primal need in all of us.
What do you hope an audience member takes away from seeing The Hound of the Baskervilles?
A great story told and being in like minded company for a few hours...and some laughs along the way, with the spooks.

The Hound Of The Baskervilles tours opening at Taunton Brewhouse on 5th March and runs at various venues until 3rd May at Wellingborough’s Castle Theatre. Find full tour details and booking information at

Colin Baker and Terry Molloy. Photo by Lisa Bowerman.

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