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Ellie Begley and Bobbie Twaddle - Katherine & Pierre Interview

Drag. Dance. Clowning. and… Katy Perry!? It’s Friday morning. We meet Pierre in his office, filling in some paper work. In walks Katherine… their eyes lock and instantly it’s pure passion and sexual chemistry. After a works do, they find themselves in bed with one another… what comes next, nobody could foresee. 

Built around the musical playlist of Katy Perry, Katherine & Pierre plays out the highs and lows of a relationship in a way you’ve never seen it before! Lip sync, mime, acrobatics and choreography that will make your jaw drop. This brilliant, genre defying show from queer-led theatre company Talksmall has thrilled audiences from Liverpool to Edinburgh and is here to take London by storm!

Ahead of a London run at Seven Dials Playhouse we caught up with Ellie Begley and Bobbie Twaddle, the creators and performers of Katherine & Pierre.

Where did your performing journey begin?
TalkSmall made their first debut back in 2019, when Bobbie Twaddle and Ellie Begley first met. Over the years, they were able to develop a beautiful friendship in and outside of the rehearsal room. TalkSmall performed at Jackson’s Lane in April 2022, when they made their first London Debut, following that they performed at Theatre Peckham, Many different SU bars and Vaults Festival 2023.

How did you approach a career in the arts?
Ellie started out training as a dancer and actor. Over the years, she watched drag, cabaret, burlesque and loved every single performance. After training at LIPA Sixth Form College, Ellie found a love for Physical Theatre and decided to apply to East 15. After meeting Bobbie at East 15, Ellie flourished in confidence and decided to become a drag king. She absolutely loved highlighting her masculine energy and strength as performer on stage.

From a young age, Bobbie had shown interest in dressing up and having fun. From Preschool to teen years, this manifested in an interest in theatre. Bobbie came into drag after directing their first show at college, for which they designed all costume and makeup for the performers. With a closet full of obscure costuming and more makeup you could shake a stick at, Bobbie decided to throw it all together and Bobbie Twaddle was born. They have been doing drag professionally ever since. After meeting Ellie, they wanted structure within their drag performances, which Ellie choreographed.

How did you approach bringing this show/role to the stage?
We started making duets at drama school and found one we wanted to develop - which was Katherine and Pierre. The focus of our work is having as much fun as we can and bringing joy both to rehearsal space and stage. Katherine and Pierre is a classic love story of boy meets girl but told the queerest way possible

How does Katy Perry’s music fit into the show?
Her music encapsulates young love without taking it too seriously. Our show is just as much a love story as it is a parodying a love story. Her music is cheesy but authentic just like us.

Why do you think her music suits this story?
Her campy, fun and pop styling songs tell small stories about relationships. Within her album, “Teenage Dream” she has a clear arc between being in love and breaking up and never wanting to love again. Her music is universal for an audience member, you will in definitely know one of her tracks.

What is the biggest challenge of staging this piece?
STAMINA honey. We are constantly physically moving on stage for an hour and we don’t stop. There are two of us in the performance, so one of us is always on stage at all times.

How do you prepare for a show?
We put on our drag makeup and sing our favourite songs. We warm our bodies up to be physically ready and we warm our faces up with articulation exercises so our faces are activated for the Lipsync. We also put a bit of Marina and Diamonds on to get us going.

If you could have dinner with 3 famous people, who would you invite and why?
Princess Diana, Amy Winehouse and David Bowie.

Diana – she’s the icon, the moment – we would love for her to spill the tea!

Amy – a good time gal and a good laugh, says it how it is.

David - just to see what he would wear!

If you were a biscuit, what biscuit would you be a why?
A Ginger Nut and Party Ring.

Ginger Nut – I’m a red-head. And I’m strong, sturdy, reliable and bit spicy! (Ellie)

Party Ring – They come in all different flavours and bring the party! They are bright, colourful and hollow on the inside… (Bobbie)

Where can people see the show and follow your career beyond?
TalkSmall are touring across the UK, Hitting London, Liverpool, Brighton Fringe and Edinburgh Fringe. Our socials are talksmall_ (X, instagram, Facebook) we update our socials regularly on performance times and venues.

Our next performance is at Seven Dials Playhouse - 26th Feb - 2nd March (7:30pm) Running Time - 1 Hour. Tickets are available from

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