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Sam Lake - Aspiring DILF! Interview

Join Sam Lake for his first UK Tour of his critically acclaimed show, Aspiring DILF! Written & performed by Sam Lake, directed by Edinburgh Comedy Award Nominee, Lauren Pattinson.

With the rise of formerly beloved male celebs turning into “anti-woke”,” why aren’t men men anymore?” toxic commentators on low-quality news outlets and podcasts, Sam has become scared of the man he may become in the future. So to combat this fragile masculinity, he’s embarking on a mission to ensure he becomes what he believes to be the last respectable form of a man, the Daddy. Join him on his journey to Daddy-dom, as he chats about Furbies, Butlins & scandalous interactions with a rugby team.

As part of the tour Sam will play at the Leicester Comedy Festival on Tuesday 13th February at The Big Difference. The tour will also visit Edinburgh, Bristol, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Cambridge and London. Head over to his website for more details -

We caught up with Sam ahead of the shows.

Where did your comedy journey begin?
It began in Soho Theatre, what a privilege. They ran 10 week courses for people wanting to give stand-up a go, and here we are eight years later.
How did you approach a career in comedy?
With caution! I spent a really long time in open mics and small gigs really trying to improve myself as a comic. Could you imagine doing this for a job and being terrible at it? I have to say I could not do this job without a lot of support from friends, family & my wonderful husband.
How would you describe your comedy style to those who don’t know you?
Coming to see me live is like having a fun bitchy chat with your favourite co-worker. You’ve had a long day, you go to the pub after work, you say you’re only having one and then you end up ordering a bottle and gossiping the night away. That’s me on stage. Like I’ve popped round for a cheeky natter.
What can you tell me about your show?
My show is fun, it’s campy, it’s a little bit sexy (but not too much, like you can bring your mum) and it’s a show that talks a lot about how I see myself as a man and how I’m trying to be the best man I can be.
How do you prepare for a show?
Weirdly, I don’t think about the material, or the crowd. I stretch. I love a good deep stretch before a show. I’m doing lunges in the corridor, I’m doing spine rolls. Need to stay limber to manage an hour of standing.

If you could have dinner with 3 fellow comedians who would you invite and why?
Well, I just so happen to part of a comedy quartet called Joy Multiplication, who I do shows with every month. It’s me, Olga Koch, Chloe Petts & Huge Davies. And we love a delicious dinner together, even if that dinner is a meal deal eaten on the car ride home from a gig.

If you were a biscuit, what biscuit would you be and why?
This is my favourite question I’ve ever been asked. In fact, my husband once guessed what biscuit I’d be and he said a Garibaldi because I’m sweet and fruity. I nearly divorced him on the spot. I’m definitely more of a pink wafer. Because I’m long and pink. No, that’s horrible actually. Oh let’s just say I’m a custard cream, a stable favourite.
Where can people see your show and follow you?
My tour show “Aspiring DILF” is coming to multiple cities between February and April including Leicester Comedy Festival on Tuesday 13th February. You can find all the dates and tickets at

You can also follow me on social media @mrsamlake on all platforms

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