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Harmony Daniel - Run Black Girl Run Peckham Fringe Interview

One girl. One race. One moment.

Meet Enitan, a vibrant, outspoken Nigerian British girl who attends a P.E lesson that changes her life.

A play filled with joy, drama and lots of movement. ‘Run Black Girl Run’ considers why we move and what moves us.

As part of our Peckham Fringe interviews we caught up with writer and performer Harmony Daniel.

What can you tell me about your show?
Run Black Girl Run is about the relationship between movement and race. I explore how existing as a big Black woman has shaped my complex feelings about moving my body and I explore ways in which I might reclaim movement for myself. 
Where did the inspiration for the show come from?
Originally written as part of my course at Mountview, Run Black Girl Run was born from my comically intense hatred for all sports. I loved dancing, swimming, and running when I was younger but as I grew up, I felt so uncomfortable and like I didn’t belong. I wanted to interrogate where this disconnect came from and how I might begin to make a change. 

How have you approached bringing your show to life?
I always start with research, followed by inspiration. I readbooks, see plays, look at art, listen to music; anything that moves me. Once I’m in the rehearsal room, I’m up on my feet almost immediately. I tend to find things physically first and then I’ll write them down. Most of my script comes to me in bits and pieces, living on random scraps of paper/my iPhone notes app until I’m ready to bring it all together. The thing I tell myself the most is not to worry about the work being good but rather honest. 

If you were a biscuit, what would you be and why?
A Chocolate digestive because I’m delectable. 

What keeps you inspired?
Seeing other writers and performers do amazing work inspires me. Also seeing the racism and backlash that Black people and Black performers are experiencing to this day. The need to represent Black women is still so high and I won’t stop until I’ve done all I can to do that. 

What do you hope an audience takes away from Peckham Fringe?
That they are worthy, beautiful individuals that are needed in the world.

Run Black Girl Run plays at Peckham Fringe on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th May 2024. Tickets are available from

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