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Rosie Wilby - Wandsworth Fringe Interview

In a series of interviews, we are chatting to artists involved with the 2024 Wandsworth Fringe. The Fringe Festival runs from 7th until 23rd June.

In this interview, we chat with producer Rosie Wilby about her work on the Fringe. 

Where did your arts career begin?
I was a musician back in the mid-1990s, performing with my band Wilby and documenting those experiences in a column called Rosie’s Pop Diary.

How did you first become a producer?
When I transitioned into comedy in the noughties (after my band broke up and I started punctuating my solo gigs with inadvertently funny stories), I started promoting my own standup and cabaret nights. One of these, Femmes by the Thames, was a regular annual sellout show at WAF.

What does the role of a producer entail at Wandsworth Fringe?
The key things I’ve been doing so far are curating a programme, connecting artists with the right venue and time slot, booking a sound technician and doing PR and marketing to start getting the word out about my shows.

How do you approach the planning and programming of the events that run throughout the Fringe?
I have focussed the majority of my events across one weekend on June 15 and 16. It’ll be an exhausting weekend. But I’ve tried to programme complementary shows back to back so that people could opt to watch a fantastic Saturday or Sunday afternoon double bill (before the football - if that’s your bag).

What is the biggest challenge that you’ve faced ahead of this year’s Fringe and how have you overcome it?
It’s my first foray into programming and producing shows that I’m not also performing at myself (although I will pop up briefly at Perverse Verse on June 13 at the Exhibit to read a fun extract from my book The Breakup Monologues). So I suppose the challenge for me is the ever present freelancer challenge of balancing the work with my other projects. I’m also currently editing my novel!

What can an audience expect from this year’s festival?
Lots of diverse voices and stories. Make sure to check out Ada Campe at The Bedford on Sunday June 16th for something truly different.

What keeps you inspired?
Meeting new people and fellow performers and creatives.
How would you describe the Fringe in 3 words?
Fun, diverse, accessible

The Wandsworth Fringe runs until 23rd June 2024. Find a full list of performances on the website

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