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Evening With Mere Mortals - Edinburgh Fringe Review

Reviewed by Alice Clayton

Evening With Mere Mortals
Company: Mere Mortals
Edinburgh Festival 
Venue. Zoo Playground 
17th Aug

Mere Mortals present 'An Evening With Mere Mortals' with precision, style and flair.

We see a circular linear narrative for our first espionage story, with one actor (our titular) playing a trained but unassuming (and often unaware) agent against a corporation boss, an evil villain, the deliveroo man and the love interest. A fantastic display of skilled multi-rolling. Thoroughly believable and energised to the max. 

The story was fast, clever, excellently written and delivered to perfection. There were some great nods to movie films of the genre, like our lead agent being lit in green and rotating robotically on the spot while the villain gave us his stats like an agent profile on a computer screen. They had also included some incredible magician ship with throwing and catching knives, and the removal of an eye during one ferocious attack. Brilliant!

The second story (yes, we were treated to 2) was also very well done with a third actor joining the troop. Lovely touches were added with microphone work like them being banged on their legs to simulate a helicopter, voices of other characters whilst still on stage, cultural and traditional song snippets sung as they arrived in each country. It was a joy.

The second didn't hit as hard for me, but I had such fun. Congratulations to them.


Evening With Mere Mortals plays at the Edinburgh Fringe until 25th August 2024.

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